Application Fees & Deposits
Homestay Fees
- Application Fee (Nonrefundable): $300
- Security Deposit (Credit Card on File): $100
- Security Deposit (No Card on File): $250
- Airport Pickup Fee: Varies by Location
By School & Area
Find the rates for your school or area by selecting one of the three areas below. If you don't see your school listed, contact our office for assistance.
- West LA, Los Angeles, Long Beach (south)
- , City of San Diego, Orange &
- Ventura County, etc rates
- South Bay, Long Beach (north)
- , San Fernando Valley &
- North County San Diego, etc rates
Homestay Fees for Traveling Nurses
Homestay Fees for High School Students
Options for All Students & Nurses
We work hard to ensure that your homestay arrangement perfectly complements your lifestyle, schedule, and budget. Therefore, we offer many options to all our clients in all areas that we serve.
- College Student Homestay Application
- High School Student Homestay Application
- Traveling Nurse Homestay Application
- COVID-19 Liability Release Form
Please Note:
- A 10-week minimum stay is required for students, 30 days for nurses. Some exceptions apply. Contact our office for details.
- Other fees may apply. Contact us or refer to the General Information section of the application for more details.
- Rates and fees are subject to change without notice.